Sunday, January 24, 2016

Course Project

The Good, the Bad, and the Unknown

This semester of English holds a lot in store in terms of major projects.  The major projects don't seem like they will be terrifyingly difficult, but they will certainly require a good deal of preparation and work.  It will be interesting working with genres that I haven't ever touched in an academic environment!

Presquesage.  "Imagine" 2/22/14 via openclipart.  Unlimited commercial use license.

1.  What are you most confused by or nervous about in regards to the four major projects?

I wouldn't say that I am confused about anything in the four major projects, but there are some aspects that make me nervous.  The main concerns I have are with the research involved and the two interviews required for the rhetorical investigation.  These aspects just seem like a major hassle that will take time.  For instance, for project one, it will most likely be difficult to come up with a recent controversy to write about in my field (software engineering).

2.  What are you most interested in or excited by in regards to the four major projects?

I am most excited by the new genre types that I will be able to dive into!  I enjoy the idea of making an entertaining video and podcast.  It'll be a new experience but it will be fun to display my sense of humor and creativity.

3.  Based on your understanding of the major projects, what are the elements of this course that you have to plan ahead for? How will the coursework described in the four project assignment sheets challenge your time management skills this semester?

The major elements of the course that will require planning would be the research aspects of the projects as well as setting up the interviews.  I feel as though once I get an understanding of what I will be making my project about it shouldn't be too difficult to power through everything else.  In regards to the interviews, it will take some planning to set up the interviews with professionals who have busy schedules.  The coursework will force me to progressively finish my work at my own pace because of the way the due dates work (a lot of work is due on one due date).  I happen to like this independence that allows me to be an adult about my work and finish it when I can, as long as I get it done.

4.  How has your past English coursework in high school or college prepared you for the challenges of this course? What skills will you bring into the course with you?

My years of AP English will help me in terms of syntax, organization, and style.  Furthermore, the creativity I was forced to develop in AP will be highly beneficial for the course projects.  This will be my first English class in college, and I have only had to write two essays thus far that was for a gen ed course.  For the skills i am bringing into the course with me...I would say creativity, maturity, and general problem solving.   

5.  Do you have any questions about the four major projects that haven't been answered by the assignment sheets? What do you still want to know?

I personally don't have any remaining questions about the four projects because all of the information has been clearly laid out.

One of the main things I picked up on from reading my peers' blogs is that the fear of procrastination is not solely mine.  This gave me reassurance because I know that everyone is having the same ideas about having to plan ahead and not put off work till later.  One thing that I found interesting was the different reactions to having to do visual and audio projects.  Some people were excited about it while others were nervous.  It was cool to see the contrast of the different types of people in the class.  The main takeaway I have is that mostly everyone is looking forwards to trying out these new genres and it will be a fun experience for all!

I commented on Benjamen Meyer's and Gabby Dietrich's blogs.


  1. I agree that our years of AP english have schooled us in writing clear and concise essays, as well as various things like diction, vocabulary, and various writing skills and techniques. However, in my experience, I did not learn the creative writing skills that you seem to have learned.

  2. I too am nervous about these interviews and also unsure about what a controversy in computer engineering would even be. And even though some of the skills of AP English will carry over, I feel as if it will be an adjustment to analyze different forms of media in the same sense. Well done post!

  3. I agree that research and interviews will be a hassle. I hope that you can pick a topic interesting enough to you so that it will make the experience more enjoyable. I too was in AP English and I agree with all the skills that would translate to this course.

  4. In regards to your concern of being unable to find a modern controversy in software engineering, I had recently talked to the professor and he said that we can stretch the boundaries of our major pretty far so that we can find an applicable controversy. I also feel that the skills you developed in AP English will serve you well in this college course, however leave room to learn more collegiate writing skills.
