Saturday, January 23, 2016

Investigating Genres

The Video Essay

Ouisa.  "Video Camera Icon" 10/19/13 via openclipart. 
Unlimited commercial use licence.

1.  What purpose(s) does this genre usually serve?

A video essay is usually intended to inform as well as entertain an audience.  A video essay differs from traditional genre forms because it is better suited to capture the attention of its intended audience through visual cues and production.

2.  Where, how, or in what context do readers usually find this genre?

Video essays can be often found on websites that congregate all different kinds of videos such as Youtube.  Audiences can find this genre through general searching and discovering videos that pique their interests.

3.  Who is the typical audience for this genre?

The typical audience for video essays would be the younger crowd-- kids, teens, and young adults.  This is because video essays are able to capture the attention of these younger viewers in an easier manner than say, a traditional written essay.

4.  What are some of the key features or characteristics that are unique to this genre, distinguishing it from other texts?

Some of the key features that make video essays unique are the manner in which they combine both audio and visual techniques to get their points across.  All of the other genres only contain either audio or visual elements, not both.  Another key characteristic of video essays is that they are able to connect to the audience to the speaker in an effective manner.  Many video essays contain the narrator speaking to the camera, which gives the audience an idea of who they are listening to and whose video they are watching.

5.  Based on your answers to the questions above, come up with a definition in your own words for this genre.

A video essay is a genre that combines both audio and visual cues to create content that is engaging and appealing to its audience.

One of the things I learned from reading my classmates' blogs is that there are writers that are similar to me and writers that are not.  I found blogs that contained the same format as mine, with questions and answers, and I found others that were written like a more traditional essay with paragraphs.  However, seeing my peers' posts put me at ease because the general content of everyone's blogs was similar to mine.  This let me know that what I have been writing has most likely been correct and up to standards.  What I learned about my writing style is that it lends itself to being easier to follow and read.  Having the questions followed by the answers in a clearly separated manner makes reading the blog simpler and more efficient in my opinion.

I commented on the blogs of Benjamen Meyer and Brady Thomas.


  1. I think that your first sentence sums up a video essay very precisely and informatively. Your straight forward answers made reading the post very easy, which I was very happy about. I personally feel, however, that there are more ways to find these video essays, although Youtube is a main source for them, and you could mention a few more.

    -Gabby Dietrich

  2. Overall I agree with your statement saying that video essays are unique in the fact that they present their content in both visual and audible aspects. I believe that video essays are great due to the fact that people enjoy seeing a visual representation along with the content that they are hearing. I can relate to the fact that you think video essays are the best at connecting people to their content because it is a lot easier for people to watch a video that speaks to them at the same time. One recommendation is that video essays now target a lot more than just a younger audience as more and more people are connected to the internet. Nowadays it is not unusual for an older person to watch video essays and be just as connected to the internet as someone much younger.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey, Nick. I also investigated The Video Essay genre and had similar findings. You do mention the combination of sensory imagery and information that makes it such a good medium. The main point that I discovered that you also discussed was the far superior efficiency and appeal to audiences relative to the normal essay. I may disagree with, however, who you believe is the audience - I believe anyone familiar and with access to online resources or maybe even people with neither but rather just linked to or referred to Video Essay are the overall audience of this genre. Great piece, very easy to read and succinct!


  5. I think you hit the biggest part of the video essay right in the bulls-eye when you say that it's unique characteristic is that it combines both auditory and visual elements, while the other genres can only tackle one element. Of course, if done wrong, the elements of a video essay could hinder the overall product, but if done right, the final thing could be better than anything that an essay or podcast could be (only my opinion of course). One thing I slightly disagree with is your choice for the audience. The is too broad of a place to only assume that only young people go on it regularly, so I think that the target audience would just be ordinary people in general, or perhaps those interested in the topic that the video essay is about or represents.

  6. I think you hit the biggest part of the video essay right in the bulls-eye when you say that it's unique characteristic is that it combines both auditory and visual elements, while the other genres can only tackle one element. Of course, if done wrong, the elements of a video essay could hinder the overall product, but if done right, the final thing could be better than anything that an essay or podcast could be (only my opinion of course). One thing I slightly disagree with is your choice for the audience. The is too broad of a place to only assume that only young people go on it regularly, so I think that the target audience would just be ordinary people in general, or perhaps those interested in the topic that the video essay is about or represents.
