Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Setting

Setting plays a major role in any story, and it is no different for this controversy.  In this post I will be discussing and describing the setting for the controversy.

"Keck Center of the National Academies" via Wikipedia.  Public Domain.

The setting is Washington D.C.  There are countless historic buildings and sights to see, and the smell of wet grass permeates the air.  Tourists are cruising the streets wearing parkas to combat the cold of winter.  It appears to be status-quo in D.C. However, down in the Judiciary District lies a large building which is home to the National Academy of Sciences.  The building is exquisite.  With a postmodern design and sleek architecture, the building is a sight to behold.  Viewing from the outside, numerous sharply dressed people of ages varying from 25 to 70 can be seen walking in and out the large glass front door.  Let's go inside the building to see what is stirring among a panel assembled with some of the greatest minds in the science fields.  The interior design of the building is just as enchanting as the outside.  With a modern techy base with a flare of the past, it is clear that this building contains important activities.  Going down a wide hall, there is a room in which there are scientific experts sitting around a large table in a well-lit room, the experts have nearly finished their 164 page long report about the ethics of mitochondrial replacement on human embryos.  It wasn't easy, there were numerous disagreements and heavy deliberation, but the experts wipe the sweat off their brows and give a sigh of relief.  The panel has responded to the FDA’s request, and have created a report that details their findings regarding this controversial topic.  

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