Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peer Review B

For my second peer review I decided to peer review Jack Auslen's  podcast on how professional businessmen and women create texts.

I decided to review Jack's rough edit on form.

Overall, Jack does well in his podcast in terms of genre conventions of a podcast.  He speaks clearly enough, and his added interview audio clips flow well.  There are some prevailing issues that need to be addressed however.

The first thing I noticed was the length of the podcast.  The podcast was upwards of 18 minutes which is pretty long for this assignment.  I noticed that in Sean's genre examples of podcasts they were between 6 to 15 minutes, with 15 being the maximum.  I think you could cut down the podcast through your use of your interview audio clips.  I found that a huge chunk of your podcast was just playing interview clips which can be easily addressed.  Another issue in form was the lack of music/special effects.  Jack noted that he was missing music in this version so there isn't much else to say besides make sure the music is used well in the final version.  One last suggestion that I have is to maybe bring in an additional speaker if possible.  Most podcasts have a couple people on the mic so that they can banter back and forth.  I know this may not be an option but it would be a welcome addition nevertheless.

Jack seems to understand how a podcast should function so there really isn't too much else to say about the form of his rough cut.  One of the things I will take in from his project is that he said a lot of information about why his topic is important which I didn't really target in my own podcast.

Hope my ideas prove helpful!

Peer Review A

For my first peer review, I reviewed Joshua Smith's  QRG which is about the writing process and genres in the geosciences field.

I chose to review his QRG in terms of it's form.

Overall, I would say that Joshua has a good grasp of the the genre conventions and necessary form for a QRG.  He does a good job in his use of headings, subheadings, bullets, numbered lists, and pictures.  Upon first glance, the QRG looks very clean and inviting to read.  However, I feel as though there are some small issues that, if fixed, would make his QRG much easier to access and follow.

The first thing I would recommend is to not use such big spacing between lines.  The double spacing adds too much white space and makes the QRG seem very drawn out and windy, which is the opposite of the intended genre convention of a QRG (which is to be condensed and simple).  Another thing I would recommend is to change the font color and size of the subheadings throughout the QRG.  As it stands right now, the color of the subheadings are rather bland and do not really stand out compared to the actually body texts.  It is important to make the subheadings stand out so the reader can easily find what the current topic is about.  The font size could be a little bigger as well.  The last recommendation I would make is to perhaps have more hyperlinks within the text.  I know there isn't really a lot of things to source to in this project but I feel as though having more links to click within a QRG makes it more interactive and keeps the reader's attention.

Again, Joshua did a great job with his rough cut of his project.  I liked that Joshua linked to a bunch of example genres from his field, and I need to take note of this and provide more examples for my own project. Anyways, the suggestions I gave him would just add more flair and give his project the feeling that a QRG should create.

Reflection on Post Production

So I have finished creating and editing my podcast, so it would be good to look back and reflect on the whole process.
Link to Final Podcast

What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.

I guess the success would be that I was able to finish my podcast before the release deadline.  A lot of stress went into it and I'm happy that I was able to finish a pretty good product.

What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.

The challenging thing for me was my procrastination.  I ended up spending my weekend finishing the project again and stressing out a great deal over it.

How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?

Well now that I have finished project 2 I feel as though the next few weeks will be fairly easy as we are going to begin easing our way into the next project.

How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?

I feel decent about the project to be honest.  I feel as though the podcast genre put limitations on how much research and content I could put out without the podcast getting too ridiculously long.  Furthermore, I am not the best speaker, so I feel as though my podcast isn't as strong as someone who is better at speaking which I feel is an issue with these projects.  I believe being able to assemble audio clips isn't indicative of one's control over the writing process and language.

Editorial Report B

Here is another section of my Project that I edited.

How did the content change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version?

The final version added a little bit more details that I felt were important for the audience to know.  It helped wrap up the podcast better.

How did the form change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version?

The form didn't really change besides me speaking clearer and with less stuttering of words.

Rough Cut

Re-Edited Selection (first minute and 30 seconds of podcast)

Editorial Report A

Now that my project is ready to be released, it is important to go back and look at the changes that were made between the final and rough draft versions.

How did the content change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version?

The final version added a little different mood to the podcast.  The new vocals were more relaxed and conversational which I felt allowed the reader to be more immersed as if I was conversing with them.

How did the form change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version?

There was some format change between the edited version.  I added an intro beat to the beginning of the introduction to reinforce the idea that the listener is listening to a podcast and not just a person talking.

Rough Cut

Re-Edited Selection (first minute and 30 seconds of podcast)

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

Hello to any potential peer reviewers.

Here is a link to my rough podcast draft:

I understand that at the moment there isn't any music/sound effects/transitions.  This draft is just a raw compilation of my vocal materials that I would like to be critiqued.  I feel as though my presentation is decent but could definitely use some work.  I tried to speak in a paced manner so anybody listening could easily understand and follow what I am saying.  If I need to shorten the podcast length let me know.

Reflection on Project 2 Podcast

Now that I have finished assembling my project, it is time to look back on the entire process and share my thoughts of how it went.

What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.

The major success of this week's process work was generating all of the content I needed (script, audio clips). It was a daunting task in using my voice to create a project, but I feel as though it turned out well.

What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.

Some of the challenges I faced for this week's process work was time management. I foolishly ended up procrastinating and ended up taking out a huge chunk of my weekend to be able to finish creating the materials that I needed.

How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?

Next week should go by smoothly as I have already done all of the heavy lifting for this project. All that is left is to aggregate my material into a good podcast-y fashion.

How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?

I'm feeling fairly strong overall. However, I noticed that I had to condense a lot of information when creating my podcast in order to keep the run time at an acceptable level. There was simply a lot of information I wanted to present and not enough time.

Production Report B

In this post I will be showing you guys a different part of my content outline for Project 2, and then I will show you the raw material that I created for said section.

Outline Excerpt:

II.  Body 2

  1. Topic Sentence
Another genre commonly used by professional engineers are multimedia powerpoints, typically in the form of powerpoints or videos.

  1. Evidence and Analysis
  • Note that many presentations in the private sector are intended to stay within the private institutions for which they are made.  (a person creates a presentation for people within their company, and the presentation is not public published).
  • Example presentation
Discuss rhetorical situation, focusing on author, audience, and purpose.
Discuss rhetorical strategies focusing on logos and ethos (again note lack of pathos).

  • Provide 2 or 3 other example presentations.
Reiterate rhetorical strategies and situation.
Presentations for engineering classes are one of the cases in which presentations are publicly published.

  1. Conclusion
Go back over what was discussed in paragraph, noting the main takeaways about the rhetorical situation and strategies as well as noting the less public factor of multimedia presentations.

Raw Material:


Again, the difficult thing to do was communicate my points effectively without going too slow or too fast and being clear. I feel overall as though it came out nicely.

Production Report A

In this post I will be showing you guys a part of my content outline for Project 2, and then I will show you the raw material that I created for said section.

Outline Excerpt:

  1. Introduction

  1. Attention Grabber
Introduce the professional world of engineering and relate it to the publication of texts (The role texts play in the engineering field).

    B.  Background
  • Going off of the attention grabber, explain in more detail how professional engineers create texts of different genres to further advance their work/research.
  • Describe the process that went into gathering research for this paper (conducting interviews)

    C.  Thesis

Professional texts are quintessential in the engineering world, two of the main genres that are found in the field are articles/conference papers and multimedia presentations.

Raw Material:


Because I was doing a Podcast, I had to make sure that I would be able to communicate my introduction effectively without taking up too much time. The hardest part was speaking clearly at a good pace while not being painfully boring.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Reflection on Pre-Production

Now that the pre-production phase is over, it is important to reflect on the ups and downs of it all so that I can have a better understanding of my strengths and weaknesses for the next project.

What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.

The major success of the pre-production phase in my opinion was successfully conducting the two interviews.  I was able to interview two successful professionals in the engineering field and record good information during the interviews as well (i.e got voice recordings of the interviews).

What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.

The biggest challenge for me was finding a recent engineering academic journal.  Because I am limited to on campus, I was forced to search through the library database for a journal and was unable to find anything interesting that was recent.

How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?

I believe the production week will go well because I was able to acquire a lot of useful information about the project through my interviews.

How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?

I am feeling really strong about the project so far because I have finished acquiring information and conducting research and all I really have to do is write a script for my podcast based off of my finished outline.

Production Schedule

The due date for project 2 is creeping up, so planning has to be done to ensure that the project is finished on time and not sloppily thrown together.  The genre I have chosen is a podcast, so I have to plan accordingly.

Tuesday March 8th
Edit down interviews for good sections of information.  Possibly re-record interviews using an actor.  Will require audacity and perhaps a microphone.

Wednesday March 9th
Begin script for podcast, finish introduction.  Only requires a computer.

Thursday March 10th
Continue with script, finish 1st body paragraph

Friday March 11th
Continue with script, finish 2nd body paragraph

Saturday March 12th
Finish script

Monday March 14th
Begin recording podcast at home using a microphone and Audacity.  Finish all audio for rough draft of podcast.  Will require a friend or two to have with me on the podcast to create banter with.

Friday March 18th
Revisit podcast and decide on revisions.  Rewrite script accordingly.

Saturday Match 19th
Re-record podcast with revisions.

The locations for these dates will be between the University of Arizona and my home in Phoenix.  The location does not really matter so much because all I'll need is a computer and a microphone.

Content Outline

In this post I will be answering the question of how I am going to organize my project by providing an outline.

The link to my outline can be found HERE.