Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peer Review A

For my first peer review, I reviewed Joshua Smith's  QRG which is about the writing process and genres in the geosciences field.

I chose to review his QRG in terms of it's form.

Overall, I would say that Joshua has a good grasp of the the genre conventions and necessary form for a QRG.  He does a good job in his use of headings, subheadings, bullets, numbered lists, and pictures.  Upon first glance, the QRG looks very clean and inviting to read.  However, I feel as though there are some small issues that, if fixed, would make his QRG much easier to access and follow.

The first thing I would recommend is to not use such big spacing between lines.  The double spacing adds too much white space and makes the QRG seem very drawn out and windy, which is the opposite of the intended genre convention of a QRG (which is to be condensed and simple).  Another thing I would recommend is to change the font color and size of the subheadings throughout the QRG.  As it stands right now, the color of the subheadings are rather bland and do not really stand out compared to the actually body texts.  It is important to make the subheadings stand out so the reader can easily find what the current topic is about.  The font size could be a little bigger as well.  The last recommendation I would make is to perhaps have more hyperlinks within the text.  I know there isn't really a lot of things to source to in this project but I feel as though having more links to click within a QRG makes it more interactive and keeps the reader's attention.

Again, Joshua did a great job with his rough cut of his project.  I liked that Joshua linked to a bunch of example genres from his field, and I need to take note of this and provide more examples for my own project. Anyways, the suggestions I gave him would just add more flair and give his project the feeling that a QRG should create.

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