Sunday, April 10, 2016

Production Report Project 3B

Outline Item

IV. Body 3

  1. Topic Sentence
Now that the myths have been dispelled, let’s talk about one of the main driving forces as to why Trump would make a good president:  he will put America first.  
  1. Evidence/Analysis
Trump wants to bring jobs back into America, and over the years has created thousands of jobs for American workers through his many business ventures.

Trump has raised millions of dollars for veteran organizations.

Trump is interested in protecting national security and is a champion for veterans.

Outline Item Adaption

Before Trump’s immigration policies get discussed, it is important to clear up the common misconceptions about him so that people can react to his positions without negative bias.  One of the main accusations against Trump is that he is a racist.  This notion about him is in part due to his stances on immigration which will be fleshed out later in this paper.  However, it is worth noting that nobody has claimed Donald Trump as a racist during his decades of work in the business world.  So while the racism claims will be disputed later, the misconception that Trump is a misogynist or a homophobe will be disputed now.  According to many of the women Trump has worked with, Trump was “a corporate executive ahead of his time in providing career advancement for women.”  Louise Sunshine, a women who worked with Trump for 15 years stated that “From the standpoint of being a woman, I just thought [Trump] was phenomenal”  (Sellers 7).  Furthermore, “Trump employs more women than men at the upper echelons of his real estate empire, and in many cases pays them more” (Ross 1).  So not only is there anecdotal evidence from the women who have worked with Trump about his respect for women, there is also analytical evidence in terms of the financing of his businesses.  Now about Trump’s beliefs regarding the LGBT community, a LGBT reporter for msnbc has said that “the real estate mogul and reality TV host might [...] be the most LGBT-friendly Republican running for president” (Margolin 1).  And on the topic of same-sex marriage, Trump has been on record stating that same-sex marriage is a “dead-issue” because the Supreme Court has ruled on the matter (Browning 2).  The bottom line is that while Trump may have a personal stance against same-sex marriage, he has repeatedly said that his personal views will not affect the issue as the Supreme Court has already ruled on it and his ultimate goal is “bring people together” (Reynolds 1).

How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?
Like I said in the previous production report, there was not many decisions that needed to be made because my genre is a standard essay,
How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?
One thing that I have had an issue with thus far is articulating all my thoughts in a cohesive manner. I feel as though the standard essay genre is somewhat restricting in me being able to fully flesh out my thoughts on my argument in an understandable manner.

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